Sunday, March 30, 2014

My gift to you

I would like to pass  on to you one of the things the Lord had given me that made life so special, I would like to give you the gift I had to see the beauty out of the most ordinary things, how to enjoy the life the Lord has given you, how to cherish every moment. I want you to enjoy life to the full, I would like for you to do it for me. I would like for you to enjoy and experience the thrill of living to the full, and praising the Lord for every moment, every breath, every spark of His creation, I would like for you to do it for me. And I know it will benefit you too. I want you to be happy again. And this happiness will only come from enjoying the life the Lord has given you, and from praising Him for it. I know you can. Even if you feel it goes against your nature, and even more so now that you feel you have nothing left that really matters to you on this earth. That’s just the devil telling you this, trying to snuff the beauty out of your life, to make you miserable. That’s not what the Lord wants for you. He also wants you to enjoy the rest of your life, even though I’m not around in the physical, because you know very well that I’m very much alive in the spirit. I have fulfilled my mission on this earth, but I still have a mission with some people on this earth. We can chat more often also, you know. I know it does help you when we chat. It puts your heart at peace a lot more. It makes our relationship more real. It is also healing for the past hurts. I know you were always there for me, you always made time for me. And I want to also make time for you, any time you want to chat, OK? I know it’s different, and I know you always cry a little also when we chat. But it still bears good fruit in the end. It puts you more at peace.

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