Saturday, April 5, 2014

Phoebe's first anniversary

Contribution from Phoebe who went to Heaven on March 20th, 2013 after battling with AML (Acute Myloid Leukemia). She was 22 years old, born & raised in Bangkok, Thailand, and passed in Bourne, Texas.
March 20, 2014

Hey Mom, I’m so happy here! I’m having so much fun, all my dreams are coming true & it’s so much better than I ever dreamed. Jesus knows our hearts desires & He longs to give them to us in His time & in His way. Mom, Heaven is unbelievable!
Yeah mom, you do need to let go a bit, I know you don’t want to, you want to cling onto me & keep me near & I promise mom, I am always near, just a call away & I can come into your presence & be there to hold you & whisper in your ear. Mom, I love you! I know it’s hard, it’s hard to let go of what is so dear to your heart and I understand that. I understand how special I am to you yet it’s time, time to start letting go of the sadness of my passing & how this affects you. I know you believe in Heaven & all but there is just something there that isn’t right & you have to let it go. You have to be happy, fuller of full faith & really praising Him in spite of my passing. Praising Him I can be a blessing to so many. I can help so many more people from here than I ever could there. So let go of the bits of sadness you hold onto, please mom. I only want you to be truly happy. Just let it go, walk away, leave it in the bundle of faith and with all the stuff about my passing that you don’t understand…He knows. Okay mom? For me…please!
Today, enjoy the kids, enjoy the time together, you don’t have to have a plan you just have to be happy & full of His spirit so He can come shining through & use you to be a blessing & strength to them on this special day. Be full of praise today; keep praising Him for all He did through the trying of our faith. Praise Him because He deserves the love & honor & glory. Praise Him so His spirit can come shining through. He works in all our lives, step by step, each one is on their journey, so pray, praise & let Him lead.
Okay Mom, I have to go, celebration time! Hey, I RIP! We’re having a big party for all the 1st year arrivals and I’m going to dress up real pretty & put on my Heavenly make-up & cologne & dance and dance & dance. I get to dance with Jesus tonight, oh, I melt in His arms & embarrass and we have loads of fun! So when you think of me today, think of me dancing, think of me enjoying friends & being the center of attention because it’s my day, the day I arrived in the most beautiful, spectacular place in the whole universe! I can’t wait for your arrival. Aaron (Phoebe’s mom’s second child, born, still born) & I have it all planned out, your arrival tour, it will be special! Hey mom, we’ll be ahead of you & Dad, now that can only happen when Heaven is involved! Watch the movie, “Heaven is Real”, you’ll love it mom!
Off to party, love ya! Kiss, touch on the cheek with my little hand (Phoebe’s left hand had no fingers, it’s called, “Symbrachydactyly” it is a condition in which a child is born with small or missing fingers or a missing hand, the most common form of a hand or arm deficiency.  It is thought that there is insufficient developing tissue for all of the parts of a full arm and hand to form, most commonly because the fingers did not develop completely during the second month of pregnancy.”). Oh yeah mom, I can’t wait for you to get here & see my new hand and all I can do with it! So much to tell you, so much to show you, I’m so looking forward to our time together!
I love you Mom, Your Fibz (Nick name for Phoebe)

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