Sunday, April 20, 2014

Searching for Heaven

17/10/12 You need to keep on resting in Jesus’ arms and let Him carry you, heal you, fill you, love you. I love you so much and I’m having so much fun helping to make things happen for you. It’s part of my healing also, you know, to make things happen for you. I also help other people that Jesus sends me to, but helping you makes me happy. It gives me peace and healing.
You remember what joy I derived from preparing birthday or Christmas presents for people? Well, it’s the same joy, just multiplied many times over. So I’m having the time of my life, besides all the other wonders I’m able to enjoy being in Heaven. This is my home, it’s always been, and I longed for it. I kept looking for it through God’s earth creations, because that’s what my whole being yearned for. I’m so happy. All is perfection, beauty, peace, love, freedom. It’s just wonderful. And discovering glimpses of Heaven upon earth is a wonderful quest, one that you should never abandon. That’s what will motivate you to live a life of purpose, and bring relief and happiness into others’ lives. So keep on seeking and searching for Heaven. It’s not far away, and it’s all around you, and I’m more than happy to show you glimpses here and there as often and as much as you like. I love you.

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