Sunday, April 6, 2014

Eternal creation

23/4/12 I’m so happy. Everything is at peace, everything is the way it’s supposed to be. I feel such peace inside. Such joy. I know that everything is going to work out in the end, and that one day we will all be re-united, and even better than our dreams and plans. It will all be right in the end, Mommy. We will be at peace with each other, we will feel love once again, it will be beautiful. I just have to wait for that day. I know it will come, even sooner than we all think, I’m sure. 

I get to do so many fun things. I get to create as well. It’s quite awesome that the Lord actually lets me create, when He’s the creator of all things. But He’s got a creation team here, and I got invited to be part of it, and it’s so much fun, you can’t even imagine. I’m learning so much. No wonder I had so many ideas when I was on earth, now I know where it all came from. And it was all a preparation for now. Everything is so real here. This is the true reality. Earth was like a picture, a preparation of things to come. But earth was temporal, so here feels so much more real, ‘cause it’s eternal. Not to say earth was not important. Don’t get me wrong. Earth is super important, ‘cause we only get one go at life, and everything we do on earth really counts up Here. But it’s temporal, whereas Heaven is eternal. Anyway, back to creating, and the creation team. God just loves creating, and it didn’t stop after the 6 days of creation. Even though all the main great creations happened during those days, He has continued creating ever since, like every new human being. Even angels. He continues creating. And He’s got a creation team that helps Him with the minor stuff, like creating music or songs, creating works of art, creating heavenly buildings, heavenly events, creating books and stories, it’s endless. Some of these creations get passed on to human artists, and some are just for here. It’s so beautiful, so amazing, and it never stops. I love it. I’m not there all the time, cause I have other things to do, as you know, like helping people on earth, watching over you guys, helping people I love here and there, also having fun in Heaven, meeting celebrities, spending time with my friends and family, relatives. Getting to know my relatives is actually very interesting and takes a fair bit of my time. You know me, I’m so interested in everything. I’m sure glad to be Up Here, now, ‘cause there’s so much to do, so much I’m interested in, that I’m definitely gonna need an eternity to do it all. So it’s real neat, since I’ve got eternity actually, I don’t need to feel stressed, I can just relax and enjoy every moment and every new opportunity. It’s great. Totally perfect for me. So that’s to give you an idea of what I do Up Here, how I’m spending my eternity. And I can’t say I like this better than that. I love it all. I love helping others, as you know already. I love creating, as you also know. I love learning. So I’m in my element. Totally. I wish I could tell you all about it, describe it all, give you more details. But I know you’re busy too, and I’ve got to leave some for when you come. But whenever we can chat together, I’ll be more than happy to tell you more about it. For example today, I helped on the creation team with a new project that is going to take shape in a few years from now (that’s earth’s years). I can’t really tell you too much about it, but it’s got to do with the years before Jesus comes back, when new elements are going to be needed to help humans and God’s children to survive and to gain more strength. So we’re working on creating all kinds of specific elements that will help them connect more easily and more strongly with Headquarters. There are going to be signs, logos, symbols, music, songs. It’s fascinating for me. What I love also is that our creating is not limited by time or space, it’s not limited by 3 dimensions, but it can expand, in fact it needs to be multifaceted, it can be 5-dimensional, and we can even link sound, sight, feelings. It’s amazing. My mind is just expanding in a way that is thrilling for me. It’s so hard to explain and describe, but I know you’re getting the gist of it.

(About my blog It’s important to me that my life continues to be a witness, I would like to reach more people, and I pray this blog will help me to do that, that my life, my art, my writings, will touch more people and help them along life’s way, and help point them to the Lord. So it means a lot to me that you’re spending time on that, that you’re doing it for me. I really appreciate it, and I wanted to thank you. I love you.

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