Sunday, April 13, 2014

It will all be right in the end

29/06/2012 When you come Up Here, we can catch up! We’ll have eternity to do all the things we wanted to do together and just be together.
The devil can no longer lay a finger on me. I’m safe forever. It’ll all be right in the end.

1 comment:

  1. In May-June 2012: The walls of Paris are plastered with posters for 2 new movies: "Prometheus", and "Sur la Route". Want to call it coincidence?
    Promethee is the last project Natalie worked on at Koronin. They had done a study on Greek Mythology, and were to pick a character for a project. She had picked Promethee and had made a sculpture which can be seen on her blog (
    "Sur la route", Jack Kerouac book, was the topic of her entrance concours for EEGP. You can also see on the same link the work she did on it. She was so sick at the time, and barely made it. She was not super happy with the results. Too sick to do a proper rendition, but still got accepted with flying colors. (After she died, we heard from the school how impressed they were with her portfolio and presentation.)
    So here's to those who believe, her little "clin d'oeil" to say, "Who said I'm dead?"
