Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life is beautiful

23/09/2012 Whenever you think of me, even if I’m actually busy with something, the Lord’s given me the ability to catch it and to commune with you, it’s so special and I’m so thankful the Lord’s given us that when we’re on the other side. It’s a bit like when your phone beeps and lets you know a sms came, my spirit is notified when you think of me and can commune in this way. At times, I can also be totally devoted to what you’re doing. But I’m never far way. Until you come over to this side, we’ll always be connected.
Jesus has totally washed me clean. He’s totally, completely renewed me, so that I now can fully be what He wanted me to be all along. Anything wonderful about me is only Him, really. Also all you have taught me, the life of faith you’ve given me, teaching me to love Him from a very young age.
Life is beautiful, and it will make me so happy if you can enjoy it to the full, so enjoy it for me, all the things I didn’t get to do, I can do them through you now, so don’t hold back, live it and love it and I will partake of it too through you. Just keep on giving love, and enjoying the love He’s given you. It’s so simple. So simple. Yet so beautiful. I love you.

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