Sunday, March 16, 2014

Design School

18/01/12  There’s something I’ve been trying to tell you which I hope will cheer you up, is how much fun it is to be up here and to get to do what I’m doing. It’s so much fun to try to influence people, to help people without them knowing, to be instrumental in helping answer someone’s secret prayers. I see this school (Blair’s Academy) and I am tempted to think that it is the type of school I would have loved to go to, and then I see how much better it is to attend heaven’s school. Learning graphic design was my dream, but now I’m learning another kind of design, I’m learning about character design, mood design, habit design, emotion design, soul design.  I used to enjoy encouraging people, those who were sad or lost or lonely. Now it’s wonderful to be able to help them in an even bigger way. It’s not easy, so it’s a real challenge for me. I have so much to learn but I love learning.

 Jesus has given me permission to help you with your complaint to the doctors. It’s important that you do it, it means a lot to me and it could make a difference for other patients. But I want you to know that I have forgiven these doctors, and you will need to also forgive them and let them know. You can make your point, because they do need to be reminded of their commitment, they need to be reminded how precious life is, and what a great responsibility it is, and how much they need God’s help. How they cannot rely on tests and science, but they need God and they need love and compassion. So you can be God’s instrument to remind them of that. But you still need to forgive. Then it will bear good fruit.

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