Sunday, March 23, 2014

Where I belong

7/02/12 I’m truly happy here, my life is so wonderful. I get to do everything my heart used to yearn for, and even far more, far more. It’s amazing in every way. I get to discover so much. I know I belong here, that Heaven is my home. It’s always been. I was just on earth for a little time, and I did convey the Lord’s love and care to those He wanted me to. I got tempted to go for the earthly things, but it didn’t work out, it wasn’t His overall main plan for me. He wanted me to just continue loving others with His love. Nothing on earth is perfect. Lack of love hurt me deeply, more deeply than I was willing to admit. Anyway, all that to say that it’s all for the better, just like I told you. I know it’s hard for you to accept, but you need to believe me, because it’s true. It’s all for the better. Me coming back to Heaven was the Lord, ‘cause that’s where I belong, and my mission on earth had already been fulfilled. Jesus wants you to find true peace, forgiveness, and joy again. I love you.

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