Sunday, March 9, 2014

My waterfall place

3/12/11 It is so awesome. So beautiful and wonderful. Yes there are some restrictions but it is so awesome that it hardly matters. Jesus is so sweet so kind so merciful. I know now what I did was wrong. I am so sorry. I can’t fix it but Jesus said He would fix it for me. I am learning so much so fast it is wonderful. It is a whole new dimension. 

Please don’t cry. I’m so happy now. Now I understand that I belonged to Heaven. You remember this song I used to sing all the time when I was little, “My home’s in Heaven”? Well, that’s exactly what it is. And it is such a happy song. And I’m so happy now,  I know that’s where I belong.
You know the dream* I had of this beautiful place where everything was right at last, the way it was supposed to be, with the waterfalls, well that’s where I am now. There are other people here too, who also need healing. The waterfall is the Lord’s love. You know those places they have on earth where people go to who need healing, these thermal baths, and they have to bathe in this special water and drink it to get better. Well that’s a little bit how it is. We have to bathe in this waterfall of the Lord’s love, and the Lord’s love is healing us. We also have to drink it, and it heals us from the inside too. Some people have been here for a long time, and some just pass through. I am in no rush. I will go at the Lord’s pace. I needed that break. I’m in no rush to jump into my new life. I need to heal completely and I need to help you heal also, although the Lord is the One who is going to heal your heart from all the hurt my death has caused you.

(*november 2nd 2011—“I had the most engaging dream. Everyone was in it. We were in the most beautiful place in the world. Big waterfalls. Bridges. I was running, running, running. And everything was how I understood it. It felt like the world was right again, in ways I understood...…It was a Family Home. Beautiful, beautiful country. Big waterfalls. Several Victoria falls all around us. We were all sitting on the grass in a circle, just like old times.”)

We can chat together like before. I can even be closer than before. I can help you more.
I can see Jesus is turning everything into good. It’s true you know that whatever is done in love for someone is not in vain, it’s beautiful and it shines so brightly from up here. The Lord sees it. That’s all that matters to Him, what we did in love for others. I’m so glad for the times I did things for others, in love. It really helped erase all the bad I’ve done. Jesus hasn’t condemned me for the wrong I’ve done, can you believe it? He was right there waiting for me. I didn’t even have to go through this dark tunnel all alone like most people do. He was right there to catch my soul, He carried me into His beautiful light. It wasn’t all dark and empty like I feared. He was there. I had my angels also. I thought I was alone, but I was never alone. Never.
Jesus is healing all the hurts. I see things so much clearer now. I wish I could have another go at life and do things differently. I wish I didn’t cause you so much pain. But Jesus is healing me and will continue to heal me and He’s promised me a brand new life, so I’m happy. I’m thankful. I just want for you to be ok.
I’m not so far away you know--even though this world is so different, so wonderful. It’s like I’m living inside the best painting, the best masterpiece ever created. God is awesome. And I haven’t seen anything yet. But I’m just enjoying every little bit. I don’t want to miss any detail. I’ll stay in this beautiful place as long as Jesus wants me to. I want to be completely healed before I begin my new life. I love you. Please tell my brother and sister that I love them so much. Dad too. Jesus gave me a wonderful family. The best. I will always be yours.

1 comment:

  1. Just a day or so after her passing, a common friend who lived in Congo with us and who Natie really loved, felt her presence in her house, and then later in her car as she was traveling back from Paris where she had driven us with her belongings.
