Sunday, March 9, 2014

My 20th birthday!

9/12/11  I would have never imagined that my 20th birthday would be like this. I understand everyone is sad. I see how much people loved me now, I wish I had known that deeper in my heart.

I’m just so thankful to be here. I love this waterfall. I can’t describe it very well, but it’s so beautiful, there’s no end of beauty, it’s not confining at all, it’s humongous, and there are so many hidden beauties which I am still discovering in different dimensions. It’s so neat. There’s physical beauty, but there’s also a spiritual dimension which I’m discovering and which is endless. I love it. And the water is so regenerating. All my ugly scars are already gone. My body is perfectly whole, there’s not a flaw in it any longer. I used to dream of a body like that, and it’s mine now forever. I’m learning to fly also, it’s so neat. It’s so real and so simple, everything just flows so beautifully. I wish I could paint it, or send pictures of it to the world. The world needs to know how beautiful Heaven is.

Life on earth is also beautiful. And it’s important. I’m so thankful you were my parents and you gave me an opportunity to do something for the Lord from a young age, to win souls, to live for others.
I’m thankful for the beautiful childhood you gave me. Just like it was in my dream, now the world is made right, and I understand. It’s my perception that has changed, now I see things right. Everything makes sense.  

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