Sunday, March 16, 2014

My home in Heaven

7/01/12 You know how much I love learning new things, and this time it’s not overwhelming. The only thing that’s overwhelming is the love Jesus has for me, and how much He values the little I did on earth. My heart still hurts to see you in so much pain, but I know it will get easier and Jesus promised me He’s going to work it all out for good in the end, that He’s going to heal every heart. I’ve begged Him to not allow people to become bitter or angry at Him because of me, so I have to trust He’s going to work it all out.
I wanted to tell you that there’s sooooooo much I want to tell you. I’m discovering so much, Heaven is way more wonderful than I’d imagined, and for sure it’s going to take me eternity to explore it all. You know, how I said I needed 10 lives to do everything I wanted to do? Well, I’ve got my 10 lives now to do it all, I’ve got way more, I’ve got eternity. I’ll be able to do not only what I wanted, actually some of the stuff I wanted to do doesn’t really matter to me anymore, has become of non importance, but there are so many others I want to learn and do, it’s wonderful. I’m so happy, Heaven is definitely the place where I fit the best.
I can’t tell you every single thing, but we can commune heart to heart also, and I can show you things, I can share some of my thoughts with you and show you glimpses of how wonderful Heaven is.
I have a beautiful, beautiful mansion. Definitely better than my flat in Angers. It’s everything I could have ever desired. I keep it a little bit messy, just a touch artistic, and I can paint. I’m enjoying every moment of my eternity. I have music playing all around me, angels singing. I have a beautiful grand piano too, and I’m learning violin. Absolutely everything my heart desired is there for me. I even have a desk where I can write with an old quill like in the old days. I’m learning calligraphy. I have also started to meet people. Like famous people. But I’m taking my time. I have to get myself organized.

1 comment:

  1. A couple months after her passing, I received a phone call from someone I had never met, who told me that he had received a message from Natie, asking him to contact us his parents to tell us not to be sad, that she was happy but that our grief was the only thing that marred her happiness.
