Sunday, March 30, 2014

My mission

15/04/12 I know it seems unfair and sad that my life was so short and yours so long, when you were the one longing for Heaven ever since the day you got saved. But Jesus needs you, and He knows it’s a sacrifice for you, even more so now that I went before you. And with me, it’s the opposite, I loved this life so much, I wanted so much to live, and I didn’t. So we don’t always get to do what we want, but the Lord knows best, and I don’t regret it, my new life is so wonderful, and I have accepted that my life on earth was meant to be cut short, that the Lord considered that I’d fulfilled my mission, and He needed me Up Here. You probably wonder why you have to stay, well just look around you, the people you are helping, the people you are ministering to, who, thanks to you, are now winning souls and changing lives. This is your mission, Mommy, and no one else can do it but you. This is your calling, and Jesus needs you to keep on living for as long as He sees fit. It doesn’t mean that you are bad and need to learn more lessons. That’s not like that. I know people say that Jesus takes all the good ones young, but it’s not like that. You’re not any worse than I was. I know you won’t agree, but I had my faults, many faults. We all do, Mommy. I was no angel. The anointing I had was only Jesus, He made me that way, and I just followed and did my best to be what He wanted me to be, even though there were so many things I wasn’t aware of. But you have a mission to fulfill. This earthly life is unique, you only get one go at it, and you need to be thankful that you have such a beautiful mission, that your life has been so meaningful. I know you feel you don’t amount to much, but Jesus sees your heart, and He sees the repercussions of your sacrifices, and how far your influence has gone and will continue to go. You’ll see it too one day. 

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