Sunday, May 17, 2015

Communication between both worlds

I’m so glad we can communicate in this way. I think I’d be so frustrated if we couldn’t, if you were not into it. I’m thankful you are. It makes things much easier for me. I see some other people here who spend most of their time trying to get messages to their loved ones. Of course in Heaven you don’t get frustrated like you do on earth, but still, I feel sorry for them sometimes, they’re so patient, trying to communicate, often to no avail. So they have to come up with ideas on how to influence their thoughts, their dreams, make certain things happen. It’s really a lot of work, ‘cause we no longer work in the physical. If people on earth are not spiritual at all, then there’s a real barrier between our two worlds. It’s very difficult to communicate. So I’m thankful you’re in tune, mommy. It makes it much easier for me, and it’s nice for you too. I know it’s helped you.
 (Question: I wonder why the Bible seems to indicate that we should not communicate with the dead.)
I don’t know, you may need to ask the Lord that question. I think it’s because in the instances described people wanted something from the dead, it was disturbing them or something. And then it was linked to magic and people who worshipped the devil, so it all took on a bad connotation and became weird. But this is the last days, and people need to know about Heaven, more than ever. So the Lord is allowing more now maybe than before. I know Victor Hugo was telling me how he wished he could have communicated with his daughter the way you do with me. He went to see mediums, he tried so many things, he was so desperate, but he lacked the simple key of prophecy, of getting quiet and receiving from the spirit. Although he was used to receiving poetry and stories from heaven. But somehow he didn’t manage to communicate with his daughter. Maybe she didn’t know either how to do it, how to get through to him. But she cared for him, she
never left his side, she was always with him. Sweet Leopoldine. It was so neat to get to meet her.

Pets in Heaven

30/3/14 Hi mommy, I’ve been busting to talk to you since you read about pets in Heaven. ‘cause I forgot to tell you before that my little pets were here waiting for me when I came. Both the bunnies from India and the last African bunny, also Zeloni and Bleuet were here. What’s super fun is that we can talk to each other now. I even take care of Stephy’s baby deer until she comes. And if she’s not so interested when she gets here I’ll keep him. It was neat for me to meet him, ‘cause I had heard Stephy talk about it, so to meet him was real special. So yes, it’s officially confirmed, there are pets in Heaven, lots of them! We’re all God’s creatures, you know. God made us in His image, but animals are His creation too. So mom you can have your wild animals if you want, I’m sure. Since you don’t have any other pets. Oh yes, your Belgian shepherd, he’s here too. But he’s not with me, he’s guarding your house till you come. Your bunnies are here too. Actually, maybe I could take care of them if you like till you come. They can fellowship with mine this way. Especially since one of your bunnies had the same sad fate as mine, they can relate and become friends.


I wanted to talk to you a bit about this book you’ve read from this lady who comes to Heaven (Kate Kerr). It’s for real, she does take trips. (I asked the Lord about her, ‘cause I never met her). But she’s human so she does get some things right and some other things not so right. Some of her recollections are a bit tainted by church doctrines, like her presentation of hell. But she means well. I haven’t been to hell, so I can’t verify, and personally I’m not so keen on it. The reason she totally missed the redemption side of things, is because she’s been conditioned all her life that there is no redemption once you die. But it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any. Obviously, it’s better for people to accept Jesus while they’re alive on earth. That’s why it’s so important to preach the Gospel and to try to get people to know Jesus while on earth. That’s obvious. And if people willfully reject Jesus and commit atrocious sins, they will end up in hell torment, because God is just and they deserve it. But like you said, Mom, God’s plan is for everyone to eventually be saved. So hell is a place of learning, really. At least that’s what the Lord told me, and I can understand that, it makes so much sense. People who have rejected Jesus need to taste what it’s like to choose eternity without Him, so that’s what they’ll first experience. Then since they’ve rejected Jesus’ forgiveness, they’re gonna have to be the ones to pay for their sins, first to realize the extent of their sins, the effect it had on people, and they’re gonna have to suffer the consequences of those sins, they’re gonna have to make amends. The Lord is going to handle each person on its own merit. There’s not going to be a one shoe fits all, isn’t that amazing? According to each person’s background, what they’ve been through, what made them do what they did, the Lord is going to assign angels to cater to each person, to guide them into all truth. Well, at first it’s going to be to open their eyes to the truth, to what they’ve done. God is in control. This lady makes it look like hell is filled with devils who are all powerful and inflict pain and torment. I don’t know about that. Maybe people who actively worshipped the devil will be in this kind of place until they learn their lesson. But the main point to remember is that God is in perfect control. He controls hell as well as Heaven. Nothing will happen to anyone that is not perfectly just. And there will always be room for redemption for those who desire it, those who repent of their sins, those who wish to turn towards God and receive His forgiveness. Grandpa was right, there is such a thing as salvation in the spirit world. But of course, it’s much, much better to receive Jesus while on earth.

And then, like I already told you, there are people who have not received Jesus, but who are not against Him, so they are given a chance. They are given time to choose. I guess the Catholics are not too far off with their notion of purgatory. 

God bless this lady, though, she’s very brave to come out with books like that. The Lord really loves her, she’s doing her part, she’s doing what she can and she’s telling the good news. Maybe it’s better people are scared of hell, so they can get saved now. You know, if people think that hell is not the end, that you can get redeemed from hell, there could be even more evil in the world. Although I don’t know how that’s possible. So much evil as it is. Oh I don’t know. But the Lord is allowing her to share that scary message for a reason I’m sure. 


23/03/14 I’m totally at peace now, I feel so free, so free to love you, so free to feel your love for me. I’m actually awed by your love for me, can you believe it? It’s so sad how on earth there were times when I doubted it, it seems so incredible to me now. But I’m happy to see and feel your love. You’re a special mommy!
I try to help a lot of the people I know, so many people need help. A lot of times there’s not much I can do, but I see what’s happening and I pray for them, I bring their needs to the Lord, and He’s the one who brings about progress, victories, healing and change. Some things are easier than others, quicker than others. A lot depends also on the person’s receptiveness, their desire for change, their desperation for healing.
You know, Mom, just because I’m in Heaven doesn’t mean I know everything that’s going on. I know actually very little and I have so much to learn. Some things are for me to learn, and some things are not!

I still help the creation team from time to time. They call me or come and get me regularly. It’s a nice break for me from my earthly work. I get so fed and strengthened when I join them. It’s gonna be Easter soon and we’re preparing a big celebration for Jesus. It’s neat how Jesus is giving His creation team a certain amount of freedom when it comes to praise and worship. Of course, I don’t think anything can really be a surprise for Him, but maybe it can, maybe He purposely stops Himself from knowing certain things so He can enjoy surprises too. You know how I love to make surprises for people, so I’m ready to help the team with that. I can’t tell you about it now though, ‘cause it’s a surprise, ha!

The importance of prayer

Prayer is so powerful. I really grasped the importance of it while on earth, but not to the extent I should have. It’s really amazing how important prayers are to the Lord. They really help to defeat the enemy. I mean, they can even change God’s mind at times, isn’t that amazing? Of course, you’d better be sure it’s the Lord’s will. Even if sometimes it seems that God didn’t answer prayer, prayer is still super important. It will still have an effect. So never think that your prayers were in vain, even when God answers differently than you thought He would or should. Like for me, you prayed and prayed for me, and it seemed He didn’t answer. But your prayers had a big impact, both on me and the outcome, the fact that the Lord was with me each step of the way. He never left my side. So all your prayers for me did make a difference. They were not wasted. And I’m thankful for them. All that to say don’t get weary in praying for others.
The world is getting darker and darker, and needs Jesus’ light so much.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The butterfly

(Every since she was a little girl, Natalie has always loved butterflies. When Jerry’s “Butterfly” song came out, it became her favorite. At the time, I thought she didn’t realize what the song was really about, but maybe she did and this song was an early comfort to her for what would happen years later. For her 8th birthday, it had to be a butterfly cake and I had to make her a butterfly outfit for the “Little Creature” party we organized. 

The last entry in her diary, hours before she passed away, was the words to the same “Butterfly” song. A couple years before, while in Congo, she wrote about the comfort a certain butterfly on our balcony brought to her when it landed on her hand, and she took pictures of it. So since she went to Heaven, butterflies always remind us of her and help us feel her presence. They also remind us that one day, we will all shed our earthly cocoon and fly off to Heaven.

When living in Congo, Natie had created a party business, for which I still receive calls from time to time. 

Last night was one of those occasions, and I felt her presence while painting the children’s faces. At the end of the evening, as I was packing up to leave, I noticed on the window right behind me a single butterfly inside the building where the party was held. It rested on the window sill right above my shoulder. It was identical to the one that had comforted her years ago by landing on her hand. So I also extended my hand towards it. The little butterfly crept on my fingers and remained there. I walked around with it resting in the palm of my hand. It never budged or attempted to fly away, until one of the children came by and tried touching it. Then it flew away. I don’t know how Natie managed that one, she must have asked the Lord to make it all happen just for my sake, to comfort my heart in the same way that little butterfly had comforted her. To me, there is no doubt that it was a very tangible yet extraordinary manifestation of her presence, and of her love for me. It was actually the very first time in my life that a butterfly willingly climbed on my fingers and remained in my hand for such a long time.)

16/03/14 Mom, I want to tell you that it makes me real happy when I can manifest my love to you like I did yesterday. Lots of time, you don’t see me (well obviously) you don’t feel my presence, even when I’m there. Sometimes it’s fun to play invisible, but other times I really want you to know I’m there! So the Lord works it out and talks to butterflies. It’s something I’d like to learn to do actually, to talk to butterflies. Some animals are easier to communicate with than humans. Here’s another art I need to learn! I think you’d be real good at it, Mom, ‘cause you have a real love for animals. But it’s ok, I can start with butterflies, ‘cause they remind you of me. (just then a butterfly flew on our balcony)

Kate Kerr

16/3/14 Me: what about this Kate Kerr, is it someone I should check out and look into? Or not necessary? Do you know her?
Natalie: Not really. I know there are a certain number of people on earth who have had experiences, spiritual experiences and encounters with Heaven. I know the Lord does want His message to be preached. I also feel the very strong desire to communicate that knowledge of Heaven, to help mortals understand and to encourage people’s faith. It also seems to me the most important mission there is, to tell people about Jesus, about Salvation, about Heaven. And for us who are already in Heaven, to strive to communicate that knowledge. Time is ticking away, and there is real advantage to know about Heaven and to get saved now, before Jesus comes back. It’s amazing to me actually how many testimonies there are, how many experiences mortals have had that totally prove the existence of God and of Heaven, but still people will not believe. But some do. So we need to keep preaching, keep spreading the message.

Meeting Phoebz and Richard

9/03/14 I get to see pretty much as much as I want of your life, I get to partake of it much more than before, I get to see your beautiful, thoughtful, loving heart. I have to make an effort still not to regret certain things, but the Lord understands when I do and I know He’s forgiven me. Wow, I’m also realizing how much you had to forgive us kids for. It’s funny isn’t it, when we’re kids, we expect so much of our parents, and we think they owe us so much, not realizing how much pain we cause them at time. It’s certainly helping me to have a much broader perspective and much better appreciation of you guys.

I got to meet Phoebe you know. She’s fun, I like her. She’s helped me a lot actually. At first it was hard for me to relate to her, I looked at her like such a hero who went through so much and just waited for the Lord to take her. But she came out to find me and we had a great talk and she was so sweet. She was so humble! She told me how she didn’t really have a choice in the matter, and she doesn’t know what she’d have done if she was in my shoes. The Lord’s forgiven me and I know He fully understands me to the depth of my soul and He’s healed me completely now. But when I meet others like Pheebz I get hit. But now I’m ok and we’re good friends.

 I went to see Richard also who came recently. He’s gonna be ok. His story is a bit different. We’re all helping each other, it’s neat. The Lord’s love is so amazing. The devil thought he’d won when he took our lives, but the Lord won! The devil can’t touch us. And our parents’ testimony is so, so powerful. I don’t think you can realize that fully now, Mom, but your testimony is very powerful and the devil is real mad about it, ‘cause it totally defeats him. I love you Mommy. I just want to hold and hug you and love you all the time. I would like for my love to uphold you, to cheer you up, to make things all better. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


7/03/14 Fabergé--Hi Mom! I love you! Did you like the documentary last night? Wasn’t it interesting? This poor man died of a broken heart. But he made it to Heaven, you know that? I got to visit him recently, and he’s so happy here, he continues to do designs for the Lord, he’s got a real pretty house with a workshop and he invited me to drop by any time I want. He showed me how to make these eggs. The Lord is the one who gave him the idea, because it really glorified the resurrection and made people think about Easter. Isn’t that neat? The Lord really likes his eggs, so now he’s making them for the King of the Universe, not just for the tsar of Russia.

Judas in Heaven?

26/01/14 It’s so wonderful how the Lord can take our sins and completely turn it all around, and use it all for His glory. I mean, it never ceases to amaze me. Even Judas, I know many sincere Christians think he’s burning in hell, but no, he’s been in Heaven all along. Of course what he did is keeping him very, very humble, but he’s actually a sweet guy. He’s had time to change, but he understands it all, and he’s not proud of what he did, but he’s been so repentant and the Lord is using him to reach people and to help people who see things very carnally. He knows what it’s like and how much damage it can cause. But it’s all very human. Most humans are carnally minded. I was too.

9/02/14 About starting this new blog with my messages, we can work on it together when you have the time. It’ll be fun, you’ll see, and something that I really care about, ‘cause I really want the world to know about Heaven and how real and wonderful it is. People need Heaven so much in the world today.