Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pets in Heaven

30/3/14 Hi mommy, I’ve been busting to talk to you since you read about pets in Heaven. ‘cause I forgot to tell you before that my little pets were here waiting for me when I came. Both the bunnies from India and the last African bunny, also Zeloni and Bleuet were here. What’s super fun is that we can talk to each other now. I even take care of Stephy’s baby deer until she comes. And if she’s not so interested when she gets here I’ll keep him. It was neat for me to meet him, ‘cause I had heard Stephy talk about it, so to meet him was real special. So yes, it’s officially confirmed, there are pets in Heaven, lots of them! We’re all God’s creatures, you know. God made us in His image, but animals are His creation too. So mom you can have your wild animals if you want, I’m sure. Since you don’t have any other pets. Oh yes, your Belgian shepherd, he’s here too. But he’s not with me, he’s guarding your house till you come. Your bunnies are here too. Actually, maybe I could take care of them if you like till you come. They can fellowship with mine this way. Especially since one of your bunnies had the same sad fate as mine, they can relate and become friends.

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