Sunday, May 17, 2015

Communication between both worlds

I’m so glad we can communicate in this way. I think I’d be so frustrated if we couldn’t, if you were not into it. I’m thankful you are. It makes things much easier for me. I see some other people here who spend most of their time trying to get messages to their loved ones. Of course in Heaven you don’t get frustrated like you do on earth, but still, I feel sorry for them sometimes, they’re so patient, trying to communicate, often to no avail. So they have to come up with ideas on how to influence their thoughts, their dreams, make certain things happen. It’s really a lot of work, ‘cause we no longer work in the physical. If people on earth are not spiritual at all, then there’s a real barrier between our two worlds. It’s very difficult to communicate. So I’m thankful you’re in tune, mommy. It makes it much easier for me, and it’s nice for you too. I know it’s helped you.
 (Question: I wonder why the Bible seems to indicate that we should not communicate with the dead.)
I don’t know, you may need to ask the Lord that question. I think it’s because in the instances described people wanted something from the dead, it was disturbing them or something. And then it was linked to magic and people who worshipped the devil, so it all took on a bad connotation and became weird. But this is the last days, and people need to know about Heaven, more than ever. So the Lord is allowing more now maybe than before. I know Victor Hugo was telling me how he wished he could have communicated with his daughter the way you do with me. He went to see mediums, he tried so many things, he was so desperate, but he lacked the simple key of prophecy, of getting quiet and receiving from the spirit. Although he was used to receiving poetry and stories from heaven. But somehow he didn’t manage to communicate with his daughter. Maybe she didn’t know either how to do it, how to get through to him. But she cared for him, she
never left his side, she was always with him. Sweet Leopoldine. It was so neat to get to meet her.

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