Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy birthday, Mommy!

16/4/2014 I have a present for you! Remember last year I gave you my joy of living, my love for life. I also remember this jeweladile stone I had given you back in Congo. That was neat. You should pull it out and hold on to it, as it will help you. It’s actually helped you without you realizing it I believe. But it’s neat when you realize it too. This year, I want to give you a different kind of present. You asked the Lord to make you more like Him, to reflect Him more. It’s neat you asked Him for that, ‘cause it kind of goes with my present. I want to help you to see Jesus in everything. Do you remember how Jesus had given me the gift to see beauty in everything, even in the most mundane things of life? Well, now I see how even better it would have been to actually see Jesus in everything. It’s something I’ve learned since being here, and it’s just so beautiful. When I look at life on earth, what people go through, I’ve learned to see Jesus in everything, and it just changes everything! Mother Teresa had that gift, that’s why she could take care of the poorest of the poor. You feel you lack compassion sometimes, and I understand, you have to be careful in Congo and you can’t always give to everybody or place yourself in a dangerous situation. But if you learn to see Jesus in everything, it will help you so much I think. And by seeing Jesus in everything, you will become more like Jesus. So I hope you like my present, Mommy. I’m going to need the Lord’s help to pass that on to you, but He promised He’d help me. It probably will mean that you’re going to slow down, which is a good thing I’m sure. It will make your life so much happier, at least I hope so. And it’s something you can tell other people about as well.

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