Sunday, January 3, 2016

Nothing gets lost with the Lord

16/08/2014 You want to know something real neat, Mommy? I don’t think I ever told you. But the Lord recreated some of the things I made while on earth, those I liked best I guess, and I found them here in Heaven in my mansion. Isn’t that neat? It showed me how nothing gets lost with the Lord. You know we always say we can’t take these things with us when we die. Well, it’s true of course of most things, in particular the things we get attached to in a selfish sort of way. But some of the things we made for love, to make someone else happy, I think the Lord keeps a copy of them. That’s the only way I can explain it. Most of these things, I think actually all of them, I put my whole heart into making them to make someone else happy, as a gift for someone. So they were dear to the Lord also, because they were an expression of His love for that person too, of which I was just an instrumental supplier. Isn’t that neat? So you’ll get to see them again when you come here, they won’t be lost.
Gadget board for Petra

Knitted dolls for my friends

Embroidered pillow for my sis'
Another doll house

Knitting sweater for my niece Nikki
Fairy heaven
A doll house for Terri

Nikki wearing sweater

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