Sunday, January 3, 2016

Amazing brain, amazing birds...

8.07.14 You remember how much I valued my brain, and how hard it was for me when I felt that I was losing it? Well, I wanted to tell you that now that I don't have a body, I'm actually realizing how amazing the human soul is. I thought it was my brain, but it was actually my spirit. Well, the human brain is definitely amazing. i love what Ben Carson says and what he did. God created the human brain to be amazing. But what i wanted to say is that I'm learning to use my mind, which is really part of the spirit you know, the mind is not just the physical brain. Anyway, I'm learning to use it to the full and it's absolutely amazing. So it's like everything I thought I had lost and left behind, the Lord is more than giving it back to me. It's absolutely amazing. I wish I had known all that before when I was on earth. well I did use my brain and I loved using it, but I could have done so much more, used it so much more. God has given man so much, so many capacities, and man has hardly scratched the surface in discovering all the possibilities that are at his disposal. i'm learning so much, all the time, and I love it. It's fascinating what God has created, what He has given us, what He is, His love, His grace, His beauty and His gifts to us. So yes, I let my brain, my spirit absorb as much as i can of all God has placed at my disposal. I love exploring heaven but i also love to come back to explore the things of earth, all that I did not understand before, all that amazes me. Like watching the birds fly. It still amazes me. I also love watching them, like you do, Mommy. It's easy with my spirit to fly around along with them, but they fly with their mortal body. How amazing that it!

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