Friday, January 1, 2016

Easter Celebration

20/04/14 Mommy, come! Take my hand now, I want to show you something! Look! Can you see it? Look, Mommy! It’s Easter, and all of Heaven is singing praises, all the angels, all the saints, all of us here! We’re all wearing our robes of light today; it’s the greatest celebration ever! I’m so glad you found this pic of me on Easter from 10 years ago. It’s cute, and it brings back happy memories.

 I guess I was really focused on Christmas as a little girl. But Easter! Wow! There’s nothing like it! I guess they’re both just as important and just as special. But Easter is phenomenal! It’s the whole purpose of God sending His son into the world. It was the only way to save mankind, the only way. But at what a price! No religion ever, even imagined that a god would go so low as to become human and die for us. It’s unheard of! There’s no parallel anywhere ever! Many have incorporated the virgin birth, but no one has even dreamed of a god who would die for his creatures. Oh, I wish you could see this assembly, Mommy! It’s magnificent! It’s OK, Jesus just told me it wasn’t for you to see just yet, but I can tell you about it. I just wanted you to partake of it, Mommy, ‘cause it’s totally blowing my mind, I’m in awe. Actually I’m in tears. I’m crying tears of gratitude, Mommy, realizing what Jesus has done for me, making it possible for me to be here with Him, to have returned to Heaven. I’m so thankful, and I’m so happy you’ve fully grasped the same truth. Choirs of angels! There’s nothing like it! I wish I could sing like the angels! Such beautiful music! Next year, the Lord told me that if I keep practicing, I can join the orchestra! Wouldn’t that be awesome? I really need to get back into practicing my piano, and continue learning the violin. There’s such unity among all of us heaven dwellers. Such praise, such unity, such fraternity, we are all of one heart, one accord, one humongous praise for our Savior! It’s so powerful!  I don’t think anything on earth can compare. Maybe in some churches, I don’t know, I’ve never really experienced church much. But it’s phenomenal. Everyone is united, and yet each one has brought something for our King of Kings. The creation team has prepared fireworks of musical rainbows, which make earthly fireworks look like child play. There’s music, singing, visual praise, art, and also dancing, celestial ballet. Jesus is sitting on His throne today, wearing His well deserved crown, next to His Father and the Holy Spirit, between them actually. Never have I seen anything more glorious! He’s beaming love upon us all, we’re bathing in His love, we’re breathing it, it’s surrounding us, entering every fiber of our being, and we exude praise and gratitude by every mean possible! Oh Mommy, I could spend eternity like that, just praising and thanking Him, and receiving His love. It just makes me so, so happy to know that you will also get to experience Easter in Heaven one day, that we will be together again.

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