Sunday, May 17, 2015

The importance of prayer

Prayer is so powerful. I really grasped the importance of it while on earth, but not to the extent I should have. It’s really amazing how important prayers are to the Lord. They really help to defeat the enemy. I mean, they can even change God’s mind at times, isn’t that amazing? Of course, you’d better be sure it’s the Lord’s will. Even if sometimes it seems that God didn’t answer prayer, prayer is still super important. It will still have an effect. So never think that your prayers were in vain, even when God answers differently than you thought He would or should. Like for me, you prayed and prayed for me, and it seemed He didn’t answer. But your prayers had a big impact, both on me and the outcome, the fact that the Lord was with me each step of the way. He never left my side. So all your prayers for me did make a difference. They were not wasted. And I’m thankful for them. All that to say don’t get weary in praying for others.
The world is getting darker and darker, and needs Jesus’ light so much.

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