Sunday, April 26, 2015

Kate Kerr

16/3/14 Me: what about this Kate Kerr, is it someone I should check out and look into? Or not necessary? Do you know her?
Natalie: Not really. I know there are a certain number of people on earth who have had experiences, spiritual experiences and encounters with Heaven. I know the Lord does want His message to be preached. I also feel the very strong desire to communicate that knowledge of Heaven, to help mortals understand and to encourage people’s faith. It also seems to me the most important mission there is, to tell people about Jesus, about Salvation, about Heaven. And for us who are already in Heaven, to strive to communicate that knowledge. Time is ticking away, and there is real advantage to know about Heaven and to get saved now, before Jesus comes back. It’s amazing to me actually how many testimonies there are, how many experiences mortals have had that totally prove the existence of God and of Heaven, but still people will not believe. But some do. So we need to keep preaching, keep spreading the message.

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