Thursday, January 22, 2015

Judas in Heaven?

26/01/14 It’s so wonderful how the Lord can take our sins and completely turn it all around, and use it all for His glory. I mean, it never ceases to amaze me. Even Judas, I know many sincere Christians think he’s burning in hell, but no, he’s been in Heaven all along. Of course what he did is keeping him very, very humble, but he’s actually a sweet guy. He’s had time to change, but he understands it all, and he’s not proud of what he did, but he’s been so repentant and the Lord is using him to reach people and to help people who see things very carnally. He knows what it’s like and how much damage it can cause. But it’s all very human. Most humans are carnally minded. I was too.

9/02/14 About starting this new blog with my messages, we can work on it together when you have the time. It’ll be fun, you’ll see, and something that I really care about, ‘cause I really want the world to know about Heaven and how real and wonderful it is. People need Heaven so much in the world today.

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