Sunday, April 20, 2014

First anniversary

14/11/12 Your sins do not erase the love you had or the good you did, it’s the other way around; your love erased your sins. Your love for me erased the mistakes you made. Keep your mind on the beauty of Heaven, on the positive, and don’t fall back into the darkness.

I’ve had a beautiful life. And I’m thankful I’m here on this side. I can do so much to help people. It’s not like it’s easier, but it’s greater. It can be hard also, ‘cause people are not so tuned in to the spirit world, so it’s sometimes hard to break through. Even with you, it’s not so easy. You’re still so busy, and your hurts kind of hinder you from receiving the love and the peace I try to pass on to you. But I’m glad we had a good connection last night, and I’d like more of that. The more we can hug each other, the better we’ll both feel. That’s what I wanted when I asked you to hold me and hug me when you came in April, and it felt good, but it wasn’t enough, ‘cause I also needed to tell you more, and I just couldn’t. But now I can. Now you know everything, and you still love me. You know it works both ways, you think you need forgiveness, but I do too. But it’s all going to bear fruit in the end, Jesus promised me. If you can hold on to that thought, to the beauty, to the freedom, to the peace Jesus gave you last night, then it’s gonna bear so much fruit in your life. I know part of you resents that, you don’t want to benefit one bit from my death. But I’m not dead, that’s what you need to understand. I just left my shell behind, but I’m alive, so alive! I will never, ever die! That’s why Jesus died for us, so I wouldn’t have to die. When my life on earth ended, it was only my physical shell that died, not my spirit. He has redeemed me for eternity, and I get to live it freely. I continue to learn, I continue to grow. Everything fascinates me. You know me. I’m so happy. I’m getting all the knowledge I ever hungered for, and more. So much more!
I’d like to start on a more positive channel this new year that we’re physically apart, cause we can be closer actually than we have ever been. It’ll be so much more fun, so much more uplifting, and it’ll even help me for what I do here to help more people, cause I won’t be so burdened about you. I still have long ways to go with my brother and sister, it will take even longer with them, but if you can pray for them, Mommy, I would really appreciate it. And pray for me too to be able to get through to them, to find their key. Jesus is helping me of course, but it’s amazing how much He’s also leaving up to me, to my faith for things, to my knowledge of people. It’s so amazing how much freedom He gives me. I wish at times (many times) He took more control of things, but no, He leaves so much up to me, to my concern, to my faith, and to our prayers. So pray for them, ok? I know you do, but you also feel very weary, very tired. But I want to tell you not to ever get discouraged to pray for them. It helps so much. It helps us so much, and it helps bring greater and faster results.
I knew today would be a special day for you, so I was looking forward to it and I was not about to let it pass. Also, when you work on my blog, you can open your channel a bit more, if you know what I mean, so we can make it like a time we’re spending together, like when we used to work on my portfolios and stuff. I know you do already to a certain extent, that’s why you feel so good about it afterwards, but if you can say a little prayer first before you start, so the Lord can really give us good, clear communication, it will turn out even better, you’ll see, and it will not only do you good, but it will reach more people too.

Searching for Heaven

17/10/12 You need to keep on resting in Jesus’ arms and let Him carry you, heal you, fill you, love you. I love you so much and I’m having so much fun helping to make things happen for you. It’s part of my healing also, you know, to make things happen for you. I also help other people that Jesus sends me to, but helping you makes me happy. It gives me peace and healing.
You remember what joy I derived from preparing birthday or Christmas presents for people? Well, it’s the same joy, just multiplied many times over. So I’m having the time of my life, besides all the other wonders I’m able to enjoy being in Heaven. This is my home, it’s always been, and I longed for it. I kept looking for it through God’s earth creations, because that’s what my whole being yearned for. I’m so happy. All is perfection, beauty, peace, love, freedom. It’s just wonderful. And discovering glimpses of Heaven upon earth is a wonderful quest, one that you should never abandon. That’s what will motivate you to live a life of purpose, and bring relief and happiness into others’ lives. So keep on seeking and searching for Heaven. It’s not far away, and it’s all around you, and I’m more than happy to show you glimpses here and there as often and as much as you like. I love you.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life is beautiful

23/09/2012 Whenever you think of me, even if I’m actually busy with something, the Lord’s given me the ability to catch it and to commune with you, it’s so special and I’m so thankful the Lord’s given us that when we’re on the other side. It’s a bit like when your phone beeps and lets you know a sms came, my spirit is notified when you think of me and can commune in this way. At times, I can also be totally devoted to what you’re doing. But I’m never far way. Until you come over to this side, we’ll always be connected.
Jesus has totally washed me clean. He’s totally, completely renewed me, so that I now can fully be what He wanted me to be all along. Anything wonderful about me is only Him, really. Also all you have taught me, the life of faith you’ve given me, teaching me to love Him from a very young age.
Life is beautiful, and it will make me so happy if you can enjoy it to the full, so enjoy it for me, all the things I didn’t get to do, I can do them through you now, so don’t hold back, live it and love it and I will partake of it too through you. Just keep on giving love, and enjoying the love He’s given you. It’s so simple. So simple. Yet so beautiful. I love you.

My testimony

17/08/2012 (To Dad) Yes the shame and guilt were there when I first met Jesus on this side. But then He washed it all away with His love and forgiveness. And from then on I am happy. What extreme joy! It was like when you Dad first got saved. All my shame and guilt was washed away by His forgiveness and love. You remember the bad things that happened to you but without the shame and guilt and sorrow and pain and hurt. You know what I mean. So you see you haven’t failed, ‘cause Jesus never fails.
I know better now, I see clearly. You and mom didn’t fail. Now what happened to me is my testimony. Just like you have your testimony. We tell our stories up here and they are a testimony just like yours on your side of the curtain. It is victorious, it is powerful, it is beautiful, all to the glory of God and Jesus.  We continue to witness to others by our stories here. So many people to meet, so many to tell our stories to.   It is healing just like yours. So you see, you did not fail.

It will all be right in the end

29/06/2012 When you come Up Here, we can catch up! We’ll have eternity to do all the things we wanted to do together and just be together.
The devil can no longer lay a finger on me. I’m safe forever. It’ll all be right in the end.