Sunday, January 3, 2016

Robin Williams


I don’t know him personally so I don’t think I could go and see him. I’m pretty sure he’s in the waterfall place, so he has time to heal and get to know the Lord’s love. I know there was a commotion in Heaven about him, and the Lord was choosing different people to meet him. He didn’t go himself, to give him time to adjust, but He probably already went to see him by now. I don’t know. But I know he’s loved, and I know the Lord caught his spirit and carried him here, and that he’s safe now from the Devil’s grip. I also know that the Lord sees all that he did to make others happy, how he let the Lord’s spirit use him while on earth and how he used the talents the Lord had given him to make other people happy. It’s the old story of he saved others but himself he couldn’t save. The devil always tries to destroy good people. Well, nobody’s good and Robin Williams was definitely a big sinner and made lots of mistakes, but his heart was very often right with the Lord, even if he didn’t really know the Lord in a deep way. He let His spirit move in him and move him to help and love others. But he got attacked and he couldn’t pull out on his own or even with others’ help. But the Lord is going to bring out good from it all in the end, just like He did with me.
Mommy, I wanted to thank you for taking care of my tomb, for planting the daffodils and now the lily of the valley. The daffodils were beautiful! And I know I’m gonna love the lily of the valley. They represent Jesus and I love the fact that they come from my grandparents’ garden. I love you, Mommy. Thank you for everything.

Nothing gets lost with the Lord

16/08/2014 You want to know something real neat, Mommy? I don’t think I ever told you. But the Lord recreated some of the things I made while on earth, those I liked best I guess, and I found them here in Heaven in my mansion. Isn’t that neat? It showed me how nothing gets lost with the Lord. You know we always say we can’t take these things with us when we die. Well, it’s true of course of most things, in particular the things we get attached to in a selfish sort of way. But some of the things we made for love, to make someone else happy, I think the Lord keeps a copy of them. That’s the only way I can explain it. Most of these things, I think actually all of them, I put my whole heart into making them to make someone else happy, as a gift for someone. So they were dear to the Lord also, because they were an expression of His love for that person too, of which I was just an instrumental supplier. Isn’t that neat? So you’ll get to see them again when you come here, they won’t be lost.
Gadget board for Petra

Knitted dolls for my friends

Embroidered pillow for my sis'
Another doll house

Knitting sweater for my niece Nikki
Fairy heaven
A doll house for Terri

Nikki wearing sweater

Amazing brain, amazing birds...

8.07.14 You remember how much I valued my brain, and how hard it was for me when I felt that I was losing it? Well, I wanted to tell you that now that I don't have a body, I'm actually realizing how amazing the human soul is. I thought it was my brain, but it was actually my spirit. Well, the human brain is definitely amazing. i love what Ben Carson says and what he did. God created the human brain to be amazing. But what i wanted to say is that I'm learning to use my mind, which is really part of the spirit you know, the mind is not just the physical brain. Anyway, I'm learning to use it to the full and it's absolutely amazing. So it's like everything I thought I had lost and left behind, the Lord is more than giving it back to me. It's absolutely amazing. I wish I had known all that before when I was on earth. well I did use my brain and I loved using it, but I could have done so much more, used it so much more. God has given man so much, so many capacities, and man has hardly scratched the surface in discovering all the possibilities that are at his disposal. i'm learning so much, all the time, and I love it. It's fascinating what God has created, what He has given us, what He is, His love, His grace, His beauty and His gifts to us. So yes, I let my brain, my spirit absorb as much as i can of all God has placed at my disposal. I love exploring heaven but i also love to come back to explore the things of earth, all that I did not understand before, all that amazes me. Like watching the birds fly. It still amazes me. I also love watching them, like you do, Mommy. It's easy with my spirit to fly around along with them, but they fly with their mortal body. How amazing that it!


11/05/2014 I’m really looking forward to our little family reunion in Paris. It’s going to be so much fun. I’ll be invisible, but those who want to see me and feel my presence will be able to, the Lord told me. I hope so. I so want Peter and Stephy and my grand-parents to be happy when they think about me. It will come I’m sure. Eventually. I’m glad you are, Mommy. I’m so happy about that. That thinking about me makes you happy. I love you so much! Happy mother’s day by the way! I want to wish you again next week. You are the best mommy in the world. We were having a little chat today with some friends about our moms and how wonderful each one is, we were telling stories of things our moms did to make us happy, also funny things. My best memories are when we would make things together, the doll for Petra, and other things, all the things you taught me, and we would make them together. I so enjoyed that. I enjoyed baking with you too, and with Meme. Moms are really a reflection of the Holy Spirit, it’s amazing. I love you! Happy mother’s Day! xoxo
Petra's doll

C.S. Lewis and Tolkien

4/5/2014 It’s neat that you’re reading the chronicles of Narnia. I really like C.S. Lewis. He’s an amazing fellow and writer, and so close to the Lord. He’s got a huge reward up Here! He’s so respected and honored, ‘cause his work continues to influence so many people and turn so many people to the Lord. Tolkien too. I got to meet them, it was just awesome. They’re very busy, ‘cause so many people want to meet them. And so many owe their salvation and their place in Heaven to them. So they want to meet them to thank them. So they’re very busy just attending to all these people. And you know what, when people on earth made movies from their books, they were directly involved in directing the movies. Actually, many of the film directors got deep spiritual experiences while making the films, because of it. It’s so neat how it works. The Lord is so in control, it’s so comforting, Mommy, to see the power of the Lord. I know it looks like the devil has taken over the world, and it’s true in many ways, but he’s so limited. The Lord’s power is so much greater, so much stronger, so much more powerful, and He controls the future, whereas the devil is so puny and so limited. Yes I know now he’s getting bolder and bolder until the antichrist is revealed and throughout his reign. But in the spirit, the Lord is sovereign, and it’s so comforting. But the Lord needs us, and He needs you on earth to preach His Word and His truth.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Easter Celebration

20/04/14 Mommy, come! Take my hand now, I want to show you something! Look! Can you see it? Look, Mommy! It’s Easter, and all of Heaven is singing praises, all the angels, all the saints, all of us here! We’re all wearing our robes of light today; it’s the greatest celebration ever! I’m so glad you found this pic of me on Easter from 10 years ago. It’s cute, and it brings back happy memories.

 I guess I was really focused on Christmas as a little girl. But Easter! Wow! There’s nothing like it! I guess they’re both just as important and just as special. But Easter is phenomenal! It’s the whole purpose of God sending His son into the world. It was the only way to save mankind, the only way. But at what a price! No religion ever, even imagined that a god would go so low as to become human and die for us. It’s unheard of! There’s no parallel anywhere ever! Many have incorporated the virgin birth, but no one has even dreamed of a god who would die for his creatures. Oh, I wish you could see this assembly, Mommy! It’s magnificent! It’s OK, Jesus just told me it wasn’t for you to see just yet, but I can tell you about it. I just wanted you to partake of it, Mommy, ‘cause it’s totally blowing my mind, I’m in awe. Actually I’m in tears. I’m crying tears of gratitude, Mommy, realizing what Jesus has done for me, making it possible for me to be here with Him, to have returned to Heaven. I’m so thankful, and I’m so happy you’ve fully grasped the same truth. Choirs of angels! There’s nothing like it! I wish I could sing like the angels! Such beautiful music! Next year, the Lord told me that if I keep practicing, I can join the orchestra! Wouldn’t that be awesome? I really need to get back into practicing my piano, and continue learning the violin. There’s such unity among all of us heaven dwellers. Such praise, such unity, such fraternity, we are all of one heart, one accord, one humongous praise for our Savior! It’s so powerful!  I don’t think anything on earth can compare. Maybe in some churches, I don’t know, I’ve never really experienced church much. But it’s phenomenal. Everyone is united, and yet each one has brought something for our King of Kings. The creation team has prepared fireworks of musical rainbows, which make earthly fireworks look like child play. There’s music, singing, visual praise, art, and also dancing, celestial ballet. Jesus is sitting on His throne today, wearing His well deserved crown, next to His Father and the Holy Spirit, between them actually. Never have I seen anything more glorious! He’s beaming love upon us all, we’re bathing in His love, we’re breathing it, it’s surrounding us, entering every fiber of our being, and we exude praise and gratitude by every mean possible! Oh Mommy, I could spend eternity like that, just praising and thanking Him, and receiving His love. It just makes me so, so happy to know that you will also get to experience Easter in Heaven one day, that we will be together again.

Happy birthday, Mommy!

16/4/2014 I have a present for you! Remember last year I gave you my joy of living, my love for life. I also remember this jeweladile stone I had given you back in Congo. That was neat. You should pull it out and hold on to it, as it will help you. It’s actually helped you without you realizing it I believe. But it’s neat when you realize it too. This year, I want to give you a different kind of present. You asked the Lord to make you more like Him, to reflect Him more. It’s neat you asked Him for that, ‘cause it kind of goes with my present. I want to help you to see Jesus in everything. Do you remember how Jesus had given me the gift to see beauty in everything, even in the most mundane things of life? Well, now I see how even better it would have been to actually see Jesus in everything. It’s something I’ve learned since being here, and it’s just so beautiful. When I look at life on earth, what people go through, I’ve learned to see Jesus in everything, and it just changes everything! Mother Teresa had that gift, that’s why she could take care of the poorest of the poor. You feel you lack compassion sometimes, and I understand, you have to be careful in Congo and you can’t always give to everybody or place yourself in a dangerous situation. But if you learn to see Jesus in everything, it will help you so much I think. And by seeing Jesus in everything, you will become more like Jesus. So I hope you like my present, Mommy. I’m going to need the Lord’s help to pass that on to you, but He promised He’d help me. It probably will mean that you’re going to slow down, which is a good thing I’m sure. It will make your life so much happier, at least I hope so. And it’s something you can tell other people about as well.