Sunday, May 11, 2014

Twenty first birthday

9/12/12 Thanks for the birthday greetings, and all the love and all you continue to do for me, for publishing all these things I left behind. I do hope it will help someone. I would never have done it myself, but I’m happy you’re doing it for me, prolonging my life in this way and hopefully touching other lives, bringing them closer to Jesus. There’s so much I’d like to tell you and share with you. It’s so neat, I was able to get a peek into my former heavenly birthday parties. You remember all the ones you used to tell me about when I was little. Well it was very real, so amazing and so cool. They have it all recorded here, so I’m having fun looking through them, both what I did on earth and what happened in Heaven at the time. That’s loads of fun. Mommy, you gave me such a good life. I had such a happy childhood.
I’m getting to meet so many people, artists and musicians and also simple people, missionaries. I’m so interested in everything, you know me. I’m also getting to know my little brother. I had no idea he was watching over me all these years. I remember well about him, I used to talk to him when I was little, but then I forgot. But he was there. We’re having fun. I’m so happy he’s here, Mommy. He was here to welcome me. It’s really nice when you have someone from your personal family to welcome you to Heaven and show you around. There are my grandparents and my great grandparents also of course, and they’re wonderful. It’s really nice to get to know them also. But Batir was special. I don’t know yet what’s cooking for me today, but it’s gonna be good. I really don’t feel like I deserve any fuss, I feel like a big blow it in so many ways, but all I receive is love, love, love from every side and from everyone. I feel so undeserving, but it sure feels good. Love heals up everything, every heartache, every hurt, every pain, every sin, every mistake. Love is so wonderful. I’ve been receiving so much love that I’m all healed up now. Last year my birthday was a bit different, ‘cause you were all grieving so much, and I was with you all, doing my best to comfort everyone but I wasn’t very good at it. Also I was still in my healing stage, in my waterfall place. I may drop by there today, actually. Maybe I can help comfort some people who are there. Or chat with them. The Lord’s love is what comforts them, not me. But chatting helps. I know it helped me when different ones came to chat with me.
If you have time later, you can tune in and I can tell you what my party’s like. You know me, I’m not much of a party girl. So we’ll see what happens. In any case, it feels good to be 21. I used to be so scared of turning 21 for some reason when I was on earth. But here, not scared at all. I love you.

(My 2nd birthday in Heaven) It was wonderful of course, as you can imagine. It was real special. The Lord knows I don’t particularly enjoy big flashy parties, so it was just perfect. He had invited some special people, people I always desired I could have met while on earth, people I had a particular interest in. It was real special, that these people would even come to my birthday, ‘cause I’m just nobody. And each one got to share something with me that was of pure interest to me. I’m sure you can guess who some of them were. And you know what, since then, I’ve been able to visit some of them again and learn more from them. So yes, Einstein was there, and it was amazing what a closeness I felt towards him, truly amazing. I mean I was in awe that he would be there in person to my birthday, and he was so humble, so simple. Now he’s someone who knows about condemnation. I’ll have to tell you more about what he shared another time. He reminded me of the time I sat on his lap so to speak, on the lap of the huge statue of him in Washington, DC. We both chuckled about it, it was fun.

Then Mozart was there, Bach as well, and we enjoyed such heavenly music together, it was so neat ‘cause I also got to see which angels were inspiring them when they composed, oh it was truly awesome. Someone else was Steve Jobs, whom I had met earlier, so you see, he did make it to Heaven. Leonardo da Vinci was there also. I mean it was incredible. It was a real nice setting, I actually was in my mansion and these people came over, just as if they had planned a surprise party for me. We had snacks and drinks and relaxed and chatted, with heavenly music all around. It was just wonderful. I wish you’d been there, I think you would have really enjoyed it as well. We even danced. Yep, I was never much of a dancer, but in Heaven it’s really fun, ‘cause I can float if I want, and it just comes easily, to let the music carry me, it’s quite pleasurable actually, a brand-new experience. Dickens was there also, and Tolkien. Victor Hugo also, as even though I never got to read his novels in French, he really wanted to come and knew I would love to meet him. A very, very special and great man, yet so humble now before the Lord. He actually hugged me as if I was his daughter and he told me he helped you these past months, isn’t that true? He said he’d love to meet up again with me and teach me about writing poetry, although he said the Lord had given me real talent and he’d like to help me improve on it so I can help inspire other writers still on earth, isn’t that neat? There were also some famous French painters, like Monet and Renoir. Oh that was so wonderful! Jesus is truly wonderful. And do you remember Yusef, the little boy from Kikimi who died of malaria? Well he came too! He hugged me and he was so sweet and so happy to see me in Heaven. There were other people too, and of course everyone who knew me said something nice about me, like something I did that made their life happier and it was so special to hear of course. It was interesting too, ‘cause some of these people were already in Heaven when I was born, so it was kind of funny and unreal that I could have done something for them, it was more the other way around. But anyway it was wonderful and I had a great time. I was going to say the most wonderful birthday ever, but I don’t want you to feel bad as if the birthdays you organized for me on earth were not nice, but then the Lord told me to say it anyway, not to worry, that you’d understand of course that birthdays in heaven are better than on earth. I love you xxx.

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