Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy birthday Mommy

16/04/2013 I love you so much and it makes me happy when I can be around you and participate in what you’re doing, and throw some help here and there. You know, by helping you, the Lord is giving me a chance to continue what I let go off on earth. It’s never too late with Jesus. He always makes a way to redemption. He always makes it possible for us to make amends, to receive forgiveness, to make up for what we missed or where we failed. He’s that wonderful. We may miss some of the blessings, some of the rewards, but there’s always hope, there’s always a way, it’s never too late.

Ok here’s my chance! I want to tell you something. I know it may not be easy for you to do, but I’d like to ask you to try something. Can you try to no longer be sad about me? ‘Cause so much precious time and emotions are wasted on being sad. When I’m with you, or when I tune in to you, I’d like to see you happy and fulfilled. I’d like to continue helping you as much as I can, and I’d like for all this sadness to be gone, you know. ‘Cause when you’re sad it makes me sad and it’s a vicious cycle. But I think the Lord has brought enough peace to your heart now, I think the devil has been defeated; I think you’ve made peace with yourself as well. It’s like, whatever your sins have been, the Lord has forgiven you, and I have forgiven you. So I’d really like to move on and have fun together now. Can we? Can we enjoy each other? There’s nothing holding us back now. You have nothing to worry about any more concerning me, so we should be able to simply love each other and enjoy each other and I can help you as much as I’m able and we can have a great time together. It will make me so happy, because the more I partake of your life, the more it helps me make up for what I lost. It’s my chance to redeem myself. So if you want to make me happy, let’s turn the page and let’s start on a new journey together, hand in hand. I can finally become all the help you wished I could be for you. Well, it will be a bit different of course, but it will be better, ‘cause I can actually do more from Up here than I could from earth. So what do you say? Can we try? I’d really like this year to be a new and a fresh start, and to walk this road with you, for you to feel me next to you, maybe not all the time, but a good chunk of the time, and we can share this life the Lord’s given you. This is what you can do for me, you can now share your life with me. The life I left behind, Jesus can give it back to me through you. And what better life than the life of service you have chosen. The life I wanted to go back to once I had graduated. Well I did graduate alright. I don’t know what kind of present that is for you. I did want to give you a birthday present. I love giving presents, especially to you. I’m glad you’re wearing this silver chain I gave you, and the earrings I gave you and those I left behind. It makes me happy, you know. I love you so much. Well, the Lord told me that was the best present I could give you. So here it is: I will share as much of your life and live as much of your life with you as the Lord will let me. Of course, I’m committed to helping in whatever ways He needs me, but apparently, you are important to Him, and He does want me to be with you a good chunk of time. So let’s live this life together. I know it’s always been your heart’s desire, to have your children by your side, sharing your life. Well here I am. This is my birthday present to you, to be by your side. I love you. So no more sadness, promise? Only joy and happiness and happy memories. I’ll help you finish my blog quickly, so we can close off the sad ending, and I’ll help you give it a real upbeat final touch that will lead people to Heaven. I love you, Mommy. Happy birthday! We’re having a big feast up Here today in your honor. You’re a special person to the Lord, you know. You have helpers who are very thankful to be with you. All sins forgiven and forgotten! It’s a new day! I love you. 

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