Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Christmas!

23/12/12 I want to wish you a Happy Christmas now, cause I know it’s gonna be busy for you the next few days. I’ll be coming along, I want you to know that, even though you already know. I’ll do my best to help. I miss you and I miss the kids. I remember the last Christmas I had there in Congo, and even though I was a bit sick, it’s been one of my best Christmases, just like the Lord had told me. I felt I really made a difference and brought these kids love and joy. It makes me happy to think about it, that’s why I want to come along this year too. And don’t worry, I’ll have plenty of time to celebrate in Heaven too! Actually, most of our celebration I think is going to be celebrating what humans do to make Jesus happy! So it’s all part of it. I’m so happy you’re celebrating this year. I love you.
I understand also better that you all miss me and I’m learning to accept it, I’m learning not to be sad over it, but to receive it as an act of love, your love for me. I wish we could chat for hours on end, there’s so much I’d like to share with you, but I’m realizing it’s not practical or even possible to do so. I need to let you attend to what you have to do, and also part of Heaven’s wonders is the discovery of it when people get here. You already know a lot about Heaven, but knowing too much wouldn’t be so beneficial. Someone explained that to me, when I was getting frustrated that I couldn’t spend more time with you to describe it all. It’s actually hard to put into words. That’s why there are other artistic forms to communicate, through music, songs, paintings, sculptures, poetry. But still, even though some art does communicate what Heaven is like, it’s so limited, and so hard so communicate precisely what it’s like. It’s way beyond words, beyond feelings, beyond colors, beyond music. It’s all encompassing, all healing, pure beauty, pure ecstasy. I actually want to dedicate eternity to it, trying to communicate to humans what Heaven’s like. I want to advertise Heaven. Right now I’m helping people, you guys of course and those  the Lord asks me to. And I’m helping on the creation team. But I have so much to learn. And I’m learning! I’m studying. I’m realizing that some of the stuff I want to do for myself will have to wait a bit until after the millennium, ‘cause time is kind of short and there’s a lot to do right now to help people on earth. So I have to focus on that. So I’m learning how to best advertise Heaven, how to help people come to the Lord while there’s still time, how to communicate things about Heaven to artists and people in general. It’s a challenge, but I love it. It’s really the most important thing, helping people find Jesus, loving people, pointing them towards Heaven, and giving people glimpses of Heaven through different means. That’s what I’m focusing on right now. There’s so much I want to do, that hasn’t changed, it’s even grown bigger than you can imagine. But what’s exciting, is that I know that I’ll eventually get around to it all. ‘Cause time will be no more. While earth’s still around, I have to tune in to that and time has its place and it’s ticking away. But I love being busy, you know that. Thank you for making this Christmas special for so many people. Thank you also for all you continue to do for me. I love you so much. I can’t even tell you how much I love you. My saddest Christmas ever was the one I spent in France without you. And the one before that was one of my best ones. Although all my childhood Christmases have also been wonderful. You made them wonderful. Thank you. I love you.

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