Sunday, May 18, 2014

Heavenly assignments

4/3/2013 I can’t regret the earthly life I missed, I just can’t go there, the Lord is not asking me to, on the contrary He’s been so gentle, so kind, He’s healed my heart and all the wrong that was troubling me and making me miserable, He’s healed it all, so I’m really OK. I’m learning so much, and I get to experience and do all I wanted, and even more, way more. It’s beyond imagination. I have assignments too now, I’m helping and it’s cool. I really enjoy doing that. I know you appreciate my help, and I also want to make you proud, and I think you’ll be proud and it’ll  make you happy when you get to see what I’ve done from Here, the different people and situations I’ve helped. Well, it’s all only Jesus, but it’s very fulfilling for me to have a part in it. I actually like it and find it very fulfilling. Jesus knows best, and He knows how to turn into good even the worse we do as humans. He’s just amazing and I’m so thankful to have known Him. It’s made things so much easier for me. Of course He’s wonderful for everybody who comes Up here, but it’s been much easier for me than for others who didn’t really know Him so well, so intimately. So I’m thankful, Mommy, that you told me about Jesus from when I was real little. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Shortly after that, on March 12th, a friend had to get an operation and was in the hospital in Kinshasa. On that night I dreamed about Natie that she came back and was checking things out, the blog I was making and her art work I had posted. I had the feeling she came to help Maddie through this operation and sickness. Then the following night, Maddie herself dreamt about her as well! That she visited her and sat on her hospital bed, chatted about her next art project. The feeling was that she came to that hospital often to visit and encourage patients.
