Saturday, August 16, 2014


You’d like to know what I’m working on, if I’m still helping on the creation team? Yes I am! I’m getting better at it also. I’m learning so much and I’m having so much fun. I do many different things, I do help you guys a lot and I also help other people, some people I knew and some others as well. I do many different things. But I also help on the creation team. I’m real busy, you know me, I love being busy. I also get to play piano and I’m learning violin also. You know, the Lord is so sweet, all of my heart’s desires that I had while on earth, He’s letting me do them now, isn’t that sweet? He’s never demanding with me, He comes along and we chat, He wants to know how I’m doing (even if He already knows He loves chatting and pretending not to know so I can tell Him) He loves chatting with me, and when He needs my help with something He always asks me, or tells me about somebody who needs help, and I’m usually the one who ends up asking Him if I can help in some way. That’s how it goes. So there’s no pressure whatsoever. I used to hate pressure. I loved being busy, but I hated pressure. So it’s just perfect here. I’m very happy. So about the creation team, yes, I’m still helping, and it’s really nice. It’s a dream come true, even better than a dream, ‘cause I didn’t even know it existed before so it wasn’t even a dream. Right now the team I’m helping is working on sunsets. I know it may sound funny, ‘cause sunsets happen constantly naturally, but the elements that create them are all subjects to the Lord, and there’s a permanent team that’s assigned to sunsets and sunrises, so I help them and it’s just really nice for me, it’s so peaceful and fulfilling, it’s just wonderful. I was helping another team before that was working on a special project, but now I’m helping with sunsets. I follow the Lord wherever He leads me and it’s just wonderful. It was one thing to learn about pastels and oil paint and watercolors, but to learn about elements it’s another ball game, to learn to work with pure light, with air, with wind, with clouds, with fire, with the earth’s rotation and the tides of the seas, it’s exhilarating really.

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