Saturday, August 16, 2014


I’m so happy Mommy that you and Dad can have this holiday, this vacation. I’ve worked hard at it. Well, not so hard really, the Lord did it all, but I really wanted it to happen and it makes me very happy. It’s nice that you can stop like this and get needed rest and enjoy God’s wonderful creation. I wish I had taken the time to visit M., she would have driven me around, I would have had such a good time. Well, I’m thankful I get to accompany you a lot of times, and I visit her sometimes too. She’s such a special lady. I’ve gotten to know her daughter a bit since coming here. Heaven is such an amazing place. I’m thankful though I got to come to earth for these few years, ‘cause it changed my perspective, it’s given me so much more insight into people’s hearts and minds, and it’s helpful. We each have our special mission and our special purpose for which the Lord has created us. We don’t always understand why some things happen, why some people’s lives are shorter than others. Like with my little brother, I don’t really know why he never got a chance to have an earthly life, except that he did help me from the spirit when I was on earth. We’re best friends now. Isn’t it neat how the Lord worked it all out and engineered it all so that I would have a little brother when I came to Heaven? We’re both waiting for you to come and join us, and we’ll have a family reunion then. I’m happy to have met my grand-parents and great grand-parents, they’re so cute, I love them so much, but it’s nice to have a brother as well.

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