Saturday, August 16, 2014

The importance of prayers

Never get tired of praying, Mommy. That used to be your very strong point, and I want you to know not to let it go, I never imagined how important prayers were until I got here. I mean I had heard it, I knew it in my mind, but I never fully grasped their importance. I wish I hadn’t been so critical of you when you would spend so much time in prayer.  It’s such a powerful weapon. Much more powerful than worrying for sure, or even than trying to figure out ways to change things in the physical. The first reflex to problems should always be to shoot a prayer to the Lord, ‘cause He’ll then go to work right away on it, He’ll send some helper, He’ll move things and make it happen. Even if it takes time, it will happen. I know it’s not humanly possible to pray for everything all the time, but I’d say whenever you face a problem or think of something or someone, just shoot up a prayer for that problem or that person. Even sometimes at night if you dream about someone, always send a prayer for that person. You may not know why, but most likely she needs help in one form or another.

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