Saturday, July 12, 2014

On the other side of the veil

31/07/13 I’ve changed a lot, being on this side of the veil has changed me a lot. I’ve been through various stages, the Lord has been so patient with me, He’s just let me go at my own pace, and He supplied helpers along the way to assist me, to teach me what I needed to know, to help me overcome some things that were hindering me, also to help some people I wanted to help but didn’t feel I could handle by myself. You know something really, really neat, is that we’re never alone in Heaven. You remember how much I enjoyed being alone at times, but I also suffered from loneliness, it was weird and I didn’t really know how to cope with these contradictory feelings. But here, in this realm, there’s always someone special to buddy with, depending on what I need to do or what I need to learn, or what I’m going through. Heaven is all perfection of course, but I’m not, ha! I still have so much to learn, but you know how much I love learning, so it’s not a problem for me at all, on the contrary. I just love what I learn here. It’s hard sometimes, it’s not like everything comes super easy like I had imagined, I have to work at things, and I often need help, but it’s so cool. Jesus is always present, He’s so wonderful and I have found such peace, the peace I longed for but could never attain, it’s here with me forever now and it’s really wonderful. Sometimes I see things that are difficult for me, like when you’re sad, or to see F. struggling so hard, but the difference is that I still have this peace, I know the Lord’s gonna take care of it all in the end. It’s still hard for me to see people suffer, especially the people I loved, and especially if they’re suffering because of me, but then the Lord’s peace makes it easier to bear, and I can do something to help them, which is also wonderful.

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