Sunday, September 21, 2014

Second anniversary

14/11/13 Let’s spend this day together. I just want to be with you today, I want to be with my family. I will accompany F. as well, he will need my presence and I’ll do my best to beam happy thoughts in his mind, to bring him some inspiration that will help him create something positive. I want him to know how wonderful Heaven is. I know I can only be at one place at a time, but I’ll manage to do my rounds, Jesus is helping me. He’s also with me today. Today is a different day for all of us, but I want the grandeur and beauty and awesomeness of Heaven to permeate everywhere, I want all of you to only think of that, to push away any sadness, ‘cause like Paul said to die is gain, it’s pure gain. Heaven washes away all the sadness of the past, all the sins, all the mistakes, all the wrong choices, all the despair. Heaven heals every heartache, every wound, every hurt and all suffering. Heaven wipes away all the tears. And my prayer today is that Jesus will send this realization into the heart of all the people I loved, who will remember me with sadness today, so that they can find joy. I want them to find joy through remembering me, I want them to think about Heaven and smile. Maybe you could post this song for me today. ’ Cause that’s what I want.
It’s nice that you want people to light a candle for me, to remember me, to tell me they love me. It’s a really sweet thought, and maybe it will help some people to no longer feel condemned they didn’t answer my calls. Well, I don’t even know if they feel condemned, but they will if you post this note from my skype. I’m not so happy you want to do that actually, I’m not sure it’s the best. I understand why you want to do it, and maybe it will help people remember to never remain silent when a friend tries to contact them, maybe it will help them remember the importance of showing love and recognition. Anyway my main focus today is to beam love on the people I love, and to help them focus on how wonderful Heaven is, to beam happiness and joy into their hearts, to send them peace.

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