Sunday, September 21, 2014

Happy birthday to me!

09/12/13 I’m having a super fun day. Isn’t Jesus wonderful? Isn’t that neat how He engineered this whole article thing just for me? It made me so happy! (publication of Christmas article in Activated magazine: And then to see people’s reactions who read it, it made me feel fuzzy all over. It actually brought tears of joy to my eyes, it made me feel so good. That’s one of the desires of my heart, to be able to continue influencing people on earth from Up here, to be a blessing to them, to point them to the Lord. And yes, it’s neat how some people are actually led by the Lord to ask me for help. It’s quite something, really, and I feel so honored. I don’t feel super competent of course, but I’m happy to help. You remember how I always dreamed of being a missionary in Arabia? How I was so attracted by that part of the world? Well, I’ve got my heart’s desire. It’s actually another birthday present from the Lord I received today, to get to help the folks there in Lebanon for Christmas. It’s a real sensitive spot right now, and they need all the help they can get. People need to be reached now. When I was in Congo, and we had so many Labanese friends, I used to dream of going there some day. So it’s happening, isn’t that neat? I’m so happy!
I wanted to thank you, Mommy, for starting this FB group today, and for dedicating it to me and to other parents who have kids in Heaven. We’re actually quite excited about it here, I’ve got several friends who have been concerned about their parents and loved ones on earth, so we’re gonna do our part from here to make this group fruitful, so people will find comfort and think about Heaven more. 

Memory of past birthdays, singing for Jesus during the Christmas season (this one was in India)

We’re actually having a big feast about it today for my birthday. My birthday party is going to be praise, praise, and more praise, as my heart is so full to overflowing with praise of what Jesus has done for me and all those I love for the past two years. I’m actually so amazed! It’s also going to be a send off party for Christmas, as after my birthday party, we’re all gonna be off to different parts of the world to help different teams with their outreach, or help different people who need Jesus most. So lots of people are invited, angels and helpers, so we can have fun and chat together and get to know each other better, all in preparation for our Christmas outreach. You know how my birthday has always been so closely linked to Christmas, there was usually something Christmassy happening, and I never minded. I didn’t like to be the center of attention, so it was perfect. I’m so touched by all the birthday wishes I have received, so many people remember me, it’s actually quite nice, I actually enjoy it. And I’m happy that people are not so sad anymore, they all know I’m having a great time. Some of them are even a bit jealous. And it makes me happy too to see those who try to do something special to help others in memory of me. I realize that as much as I loved life on earth, I’m quite enjoying being dead, ha! Of course, you and I know I’m not really dead. Death is a very subjective concept. I’ve never felt so alive, certainly way more alive than when I was so ill and weak and in pain. I love you, Mommy, so very much. Thank you for everything. I’m never very far away, you know that, right? You can just beep me whenever you want to chat. I’m only a thought away and I have you always in my heart.

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