Sunday, November 9, 2014

Heavenly Communications

28/12/13 Mortals need to communicate with Heaven, but Heaven also needs to communicate with mortals, we work together, whether it be angels, spirit helpers, dead mortals or living mortals. Actually I don’t like to think of myself as dead, ‘cause I feel so much more alive now than I ever have while on earth. I loved life on earth, but life in Heaven is soooo much better, so much more alive. Also I was sick a lot in my last few years, which wasn’t fun. So it’s so much better now, I’m so much better now. That is definitely a cause of rejoicing. We’re gonna have fun up here as well for the New Year. It’s going to be an important year the Lord said. I don’t know what’s cooking, but I believe it. Happy New Year!

Facebook group

I also wanted to thank you for having started this FB group. It’s a very delicate subject, people who are grieving may not feel ready to write or share anything, but they will still read and absorb what you post. So don’t worry if you don’t get much feedback for now. Give it time. Ask the Lord also how to go about it, He will know best. He knows who is really going through it, and exactly what they need. Some people just don’t want to say anything, talk to anyone, or hear anything. Everyone is different. Everyone handles grief differently. But what matters to everyone is to feel understood. Ask the Lord, He will guide you, ‘cause He’s very concerned about these parents who are grieving deeply and who have sometimes even turned their back on Him because of it.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Christmas time!

26/12/13  Christmas in Heaven is different than what you probably imagine, as so many of us are busy helping people on earth to come to know Jesus, or at least to think about Him. Wasn’t that Christian choir in the mall great? ( I wasn’t part of that particular helping team, they had actual angels help with that one, but I got to see it, it was so cool and Jesus was so happy about it. What happens is that we have a party for each soul that gets won over Christmas, it’s really special, and there’s so much praise, choirs of angels, everybody stops whatever they’re normally doing to just focus on Christmas, on bringing souls to Jesus, on praising Him and thanking Him for coming into the world. It’s just exhilarating, definitely my favorite time of the year. It was nice that you prayed for the people who are lonely or suffering, ‘cause that’s also something we tune into, well some of us do as a special mission. There are lonely and suffering people all year around, in every part of the world, but people feel it more during what is supposed to be a time of rejoicing, so they need extra help, an extra touch of love to help them know that God has not forgotten them, that He loves them, that they are special to Him, that He understands their suffering or their loneliness. I helped with some of them too. I always feel for this type of people, maybe because I know what loneliness is and also what suffering is.

Happy birthday to me!

09/12/13 I’m having a super fun day. Isn’t Jesus wonderful? Isn’t that neat how He engineered this whole article thing just for me? It made me so happy! (publication of Christmas article in Activated magazine: And then to see people’s reactions who read it, it made me feel fuzzy all over. It actually brought tears of joy to my eyes, it made me feel so good. That’s one of the desires of my heart, to be able to continue influencing people on earth from Up here, to be a blessing to them, to point them to the Lord. And yes, it’s neat how some people are actually led by the Lord to ask me for help. It’s quite something, really, and I feel so honored. I don’t feel super competent of course, but I’m happy to help. You remember how I always dreamed of being a missionary in Arabia? How I was so attracted by that part of the world? Well, I’ve got my heart’s desire. It’s actually another birthday present from the Lord I received today, to get to help the folks there in Lebanon for Christmas. It’s a real sensitive spot right now, and they need all the help they can get. People need to be reached now. When I was in Congo, and we had so many Labanese friends, I used to dream of going there some day. So it’s happening, isn’t that neat? I’m so happy!
I wanted to thank you, Mommy, for starting this FB group today, and for dedicating it to me and to other parents who have kids in Heaven. We’re actually quite excited about it here, I’ve got several friends who have been concerned about their parents and loved ones on earth, so we’re gonna do our part from here to make this group fruitful, so people will find comfort and think about Heaven more. 

Memory of past birthdays, singing for Jesus during the Christmas season (this one was in India)

We’re actually having a big feast about it today for my birthday. My birthday party is going to be praise, praise, and more praise, as my heart is so full to overflowing with praise of what Jesus has done for me and all those I love for the past two years. I’m actually so amazed! It’s also going to be a send off party for Christmas, as after my birthday party, we’re all gonna be off to different parts of the world to help different teams with their outreach, or help different people who need Jesus most. So lots of people are invited, angels and helpers, so we can have fun and chat together and get to know each other better, all in preparation for our Christmas outreach. You know how my birthday has always been so closely linked to Christmas, there was usually something Christmassy happening, and I never minded. I didn’t like to be the center of attention, so it was perfect. I’m so touched by all the birthday wishes I have received, so many people remember me, it’s actually quite nice, I actually enjoy it. And I’m happy that people are not so sad anymore, they all know I’m having a great time. Some of them are even a bit jealous. And it makes me happy too to see those who try to do something special to help others in memory of me. I realize that as much as I loved life on earth, I’m quite enjoying being dead, ha! Of course, you and I know I’m not really dead. Death is a very subjective concept. I’ve never felt so alive, certainly way more alive than when I was so ill and weak and in pain. I love you, Mommy, so very much. Thank you for everything. I’m never very far away, you know that, right? You can just beep me whenever you want to chat. I’m only a thought away and I have you always in my heart.

Second anniversary

14/11/13 Let’s spend this day together. I just want to be with you today, I want to be with my family. I will accompany F. as well, he will need my presence and I’ll do my best to beam happy thoughts in his mind, to bring him some inspiration that will help him create something positive. I want him to know how wonderful Heaven is. I know I can only be at one place at a time, but I’ll manage to do my rounds, Jesus is helping me. He’s also with me today. Today is a different day for all of us, but I want the grandeur and beauty and awesomeness of Heaven to permeate everywhere, I want all of you to only think of that, to push away any sadness, ‘cause like Paul said to die is gain, it’s pure gain. Heaven washes away all the sadness of the past, all the sins, all the mistakes, all the wrong choices, all the despair. Heaven heals every heartache, every wound, every hurt and all suffering. Heaven wipes away all the tears. And my prayer today is that Jesus will send this realization into the heart of all the people I loved, who will remember me with sadness today, so that they can find joy. I want them to find joy through remembering me, I want them to think about Heaven and smile. Maybe you could post this song for me today. ’ Cause that’s what I want.
It’s nice that you want people to light a candle for me, to remember me, to tell me they love me. It’s a really sweet thought, and maybe it will help some people to no longer feel condemned they didn’t answer my calls. Well, I don’t even know if they feel condemned, but they will if you post this note from my skype. I’m not so happy you want to do that actually, I’m not sure it’s the best. I understand why you want to do it, and maybe it will help people remember to never remain silent when a friend tries to contact them, maybe it will help them remember the importance of showing love and recognition. Anyway my main focus today is to beam love on the people I love, and to help them focus on how wonderful Heaven is, to beam happiness and joy into their hearts, to send them peace.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


You’d like to know what I’m working on, if I’m still helping on the creation team? Yes I am! I’m getting better at it also. I’m learning so much and I’m having so much fun. I do many different things, I do help you guys a lot and I also help other people, some people I knew and some others as well. I do many different things. But I also help on the creation team. I’m real busy, you know me, I love being busy. I also get to play piano and I’m learning violin also. You know, the Lord is so sweet, all of my heart’s desires that I had while on earth, He’s letting me do them now, isn’t that sweet? He’s never demanding with me, He comes along and we chat, He wants to know how I’m doing (even if He already knows He loves chatting and pretending not to know so I can tell Him) He loves chatting with me, and when He needs my help with something He always asks me, or tells me about somebody who needs help, and I’m usually the one who ends up asking Him if I can help in some way. That’s how it goes. So there’s no pressure whatsoever. I used to hate pressure. I loved being busy, but I hated pressure. So it’s just perfect here. I’m very happy. So about the creation team, yes, I’m still helping, and it’s really nice. It’s a dream come true, even better than a dream, ‘cause I didn’t even know it existed before so it wasn’t even a dream. Right now the team I’m helping is working on sunsets. I know it may sound funny, ‘cause sunsets happen constantly naturally, but the elements that create them are all subjects to the Lord, and there’s a permanent team that’s assigned to sunsets and sunrises, so I help them and it’s just really nice for me, it’s so peaceful and fulfilling, it’s just wonderful. I was helping another team before that was working on a special project, but now I’m helping with sunsets. I follow the Lord wherever He leads me and it’s just wonderful. It was one thing to learn about pastels and oil paint and watercolors, but to learn about elements it’s another ball game, to learn to work with pure light, with air, with wind, with clouds, with fire, with the earth’s rotation and the tides of the seas, it’s exhilarating really.