Sunday, November 9, 2014

Heavenly Communications

28/12/13 Mortals need to communicate with Heaven, but Heaven also needs to communicate with mortals, we work together, whether it be angels, spirit helpers, dead mortals or living mortals. Actually I don’t like to think of myself as dead, ‘cause I feel so much more alive now than I ever have while on earth. I loved life on earth, but life in Heaven is soooo much better, so much more alive. Also I was sick a lot in my last few years, which wasn’t fun. So it’s so much better now, I’m so much better now. That is definitely a cause of rejoicing. We’re gonna have fun up here as well for the New Year. It’s going to be an important year the Lord said. I don’t know what’s cooking, but I believe it. Happy New Year!

Facebook group

I also wanted to thank you for having started this FB group. It’s a very delicate subject, people who are grieving may not feel ready to write or share anything, but they will still read and absorb what you post. So don’t worry if you don’t get much feedback for now. Give it time. Ask the Lord also how to go about it, He will know best. He knows who is really going through it, and exactly what they need. Some people just don’t want to say anything, talk to anyone, or hear anything. Everyone is different. Everyone handles grief differently. But what matters to everyone is to feel understood. Ask the Lord, He will guide you, ‘cause He’s very concerned about these parents who are grieving deeply and who have sometimes even turned their back on Him because of it.